Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fashionable Shoes or Sad Spa Flip-Flops?

These shoes leapt out at me from a recent Bloomingdale's catalogue (an indispensable fixture on the coffee table of any East Coast transplant*) and, after I ducked, I had to share.  Let's deconstruct, shall we?

These shoes are Prada, long recognized for style-setting Italian fashion.  They cost just under $1,000 (that's retail, which of course I never pay, but let's assume someone does). 

To me, they look like like a designer version of the flip flops you get at an expensive spa: As you can see, the model has had a pedicure, and is still undergoing the patented Rejuvenating Ankleology
-->™ treatment that will give her irresistible sex appeal below the knee. 

I just don't get the ankle-wrap verges suspiciously on the edge of nerdly socks-with-sandals.  Also, those pretty pink bows will last for two seconds on the street, even if the only time the wearer's feet touch said street is on the way to her Town Car.  

Or am I totally wrong?  If you are the sharing sort, let me know in the comments, or just think your brilliant thoughts and beam them through the ectoplasm to moi.

*A fashionable friend who is a native Californian once said to me, "oh, you must be from the East Coast.  Who else shops at Bloomingdale's?"

Friday, March 8, 2013

To boldly go...toward Friday fun

Here is a chef's salad of treats:  The late, great BBC Radio 1 DJ John Peel introduces a segment on Star Trek recording artistes, including some highlights from The Shat's "musical" career (his hammy interpretation of Harry Chapin's "Taxi" will melt your stony little heart), from Leonard Nimoy's more folk-based but no less unmelodic oeuvre, and even from Nichelle Nichols' funky past (hey, she's the one who can actually sing!).  I could spend all day making smart remarks about these clips, and laughing at Peel's wry-and-dry comments, but what's the point?  Watch, enjoy, and remember, no flipping!  This is worth watching through to the end.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Thought for the Weekend

"Don't think that sticking your boobs out and trying to look f--kable will help. Remember, you're in a rock & roll band. It's not f--k me, it's f--k you."--Chrissie Hynde's Advice To Chick Rockers

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Yep, more shoes...

Okay, okay, okay, I know that I promised not to focus too much on shoes...but LOOK!  This is the "Wordz Sneaker" by Jeffrey Campbell.  For those dayz when more complex forms of expression escape you...these could be especially effective if you make your argumentative points with your feet.
Available at Nasty Gal.  And one comment...I love the crazy style of Jeffrey Campbell shoes, and own a bunch of them, but they are a tad overpriced for shoes made overseas (and not in Italy or Spain), often out of nasty-smelling, man-made materials. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Thought for the Day

It's a lazy Saturday, and I found the quote I've been looking for all week, from (Saint) Lenny Bruce, Long Island native:
If you're from New York and you're Catholic, you're still Jewish. If you're from Butte Montana and you're Jewish, you're still goyisch. The Air Force is Jewish, the Marine Corps dangerous goyisch. Rye Bread is Jewish, instant potatoes, scary goyisch. Eddie Cantor is goyisch, George Jessel is goyisch. Coleman Hawkins is Jewish.
I'm from New York(ish), and made rye bread a few weekends ago.  So much for that Catholic education....

And if you are looking for a great 70s film you haven't seen, let me recommend "Harry and Tonto".  That eccentric old lady putting the moves on Art Carney in the final scene?  That's Sally Marr, Lenny Bruce's mom.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Gabba Gabba Hey, it's Friday!

A self-portrait from earlier this year:  Ramones T-shirt, reading glasses -- the curse of an aging punkette.  Today's tidbit is an FYI about a cool blog recommended by a friend.  We (will always) need more women writing about rock and roll, and Homesick Subterranean is a fun and well-written spot by a promising fan.  Plus how can you not like a high-school senior who already loves the Ramones, snags interviews with Jorma Kaukonen and Nick Mason, and is willing to engage with Metal Machine Music?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Today's tidbit: Boots for spring!

 Although I never wear green, my color sense is registering this as turquoise, which would look fabulous in a boot for spring, with a long or a short skirt or even shorts, if you happen to be under the age of 25 and/or built like a sapling.  Check out the sky blue, too..I am a big fan of Jildor Shoes on Long Island (in physical space) and on the web (in virtual space).  They have a great selection and their sales are fab.


and let's shop!  Not just for well-designed and priced merch, but for books, ideas, whatever strikes my fancy as interesting and worthy of your attention, dear (if I may be so bold) reader!